All parents have concerns and questions when it comes to a child care center that’s right for them and their families. Read the following questions and answers for reassurance and guidance to help you choose a childcare provider.

What if my child is not feeling well?

At Magnolia Day School, our certified child care personnel are well equipped to understand a child’s body language and non-verbal cues to gauge their general well-being. If we feel a child is ill we will separate them from the other students to prevent the spread of germs and will immediately call the parent to pick the child up from school.

I’ve always looked after my child at home and now I need to go to work. She’s just two years old and I have to put her in daycare. I’ve never done it before and I’m petrified. Should I be concerned?

Being scared is not unusual. Most parents are very uneasy the first time their children are enrolling in a child care program. With the safety and security features we have in place at Magnolia Dayschool rest assured your child will be safe and sound. Under no circumstances will your child not be supervised by a trained staff member. We have strict ratio guidelines to ensure none of our teachers are overwhelmed and can watch everyone closely. Please come by the school and take a tour to learn more and to feel more comfortable with your choice.

People are always saying daycare is not good for children and that they should stay home with a parent until they reach kindergarten. Will daycare negatively affect my child?

The answer is “no”. In fact the complete opposite, daycare is actually good for a child. From studies we’ve researched when children are not placed into a school setting until 4 years old and up they have a harder time adjusting. They have a greater chance of having social anxiety. Children who start childcare at an early age tend to adapt very quickly to become much more social and interactive with both students and teachers. If you don’t believe it, ask a kindergarten teacher.

At first, my child seemed happy at daycare. But now when we leave to go to daycare she cries and throws a tantrum which tears me apart. Why does this happen?

In our experience it’s quite normal for children to resist separating from their parents. Naturally your child will express her unhappiness at the “separation” that’s coming, by crying or clinging to you before you leave home. But you know what? Children soon become engaged in other activities when their attention is diverted. Your daughter may resist parting from you at first but in just a few days she will love the company of other children. Soon enough she’ll be involved in play activities with other children which will keep her mind off missing you. I can assure she’ll enjoy herself the whole day and you needn’t worry at all. Within a few days you’ll see she’ll be looking forward to going to daycare!